Perry Teale
Founder, Builder, Competitor, Executive, Pioneer
Perry Wendell Teale, Judo Canada Hall of Fame, Judo Nova Scotia Hall of Fame, Life member, Judo Canada, Life member Judo Nova Scotia.
Mr. Teale was the first Judoka inducted into the Judo Nova Scotia Hall of Fame. Further honors are as follows:
Over 30 years as an active participant in Judo
Founder and builder of the Nova Scotia Kodokan Black Belt Association (Judo Nova Scotia)
President of Judo Nova Scotia for 16 years
One of Doug Roger's first Judo Coaches.
National Councilor for 15 years.
Traveled extensively across Nova Scotia to conduct technical clinics and grading examinations.
Six-time Provincial Judo Champion.

Ken Whitney
Builder, Competitor, Executive
Over 48 years as an active participant in Judo.
Provincial Champion in the various kyu ranks.
Provincial Coach from 1973 – 1988
Canada Winter Games Coach 1965, 1969, & 1983.
President of Judo Nova Scotia from 1976 – 1988.
Vice-president of Judo Canada for two terms.
Judo Canada National Councilor from 1976 -1984.
Chairman of the Provincial Grading Board 1976-1985, 1987- 2004,
Named Sport Nova Scotia Executive if the year -1984.
Sport Nova Scotia Sport Service Award (received three times)
Inducted into the Judo Canada Hall of Fame – 1996
Inducted into the Canadian Forces Sports Hall of Fame (Judo) – 1998
Inducted into the Judo Nova Scotia Hall of Fame – 2004
Life member of Judo Nova Scotia – 2006.
Represented Nova Scotia at the National Championships in 1964, 1967.

Bruce Hogue
Builder, Competitor
25 years as an active participant.
A founding member of the Shearwater Judo Club 1960
President and Chief Instructor, Shearwater 1962 -1973
Represented NS at the 1964, 1966, and 1976 National Judo Championships
Chosen from N.S. as a team member to represent the Canadian Military at II championat De Judo Du Consel International Du Sport Militarie (CSIM) held in Ostende, Belgium, October 1967.
Awarded S. Kotani 9th Dan Memento at 1968 National Coaches clinic for precise technique,
As coach and participant, led the Shearwater Judo Team, capturing provincial, Navy, & Tri-service titles from 1963 -1973.
Captured Brown/Black and overall Open titles, 1967 Maritime Centennial Championships held in Halifax at TUNS.
NS Provincial titles from 1962-1973.

Allan Swanzey
Provincial Champiompion 1962 – 1965
Military Champion – Atlantic – 1965
Chief Instructor, Dalhousie Judo Club – 1959 – 1962
Assistant Judo Instructor. Halifax Judo Academy & Stadacona Judo Club 1960
First Nova Scotia Competitor to represent the Province at the 2nd National Judo Championships – Toronto, Ontario – 1962.
British Army Judo Championships in Colchester, England, 1963.

1983 Nova Scotia Canada Games Team
Coach, Mike Soares – Sackville,David King – Port Hawkesbury,(Bronze Medal), Scott Robichaud – Meteghan (Bronze Medal) Travis Parshon – Port Hood, Derrick Logan Pictou – (Gold Medal) Ken Whitney – Shearwater, Coach, Marcus Casson of Trurp, Michel Savoie – 0f Port Hawkesbury – Bronze Medal, Shane MacIssac – Truro (Silver Medal)
The performance of this 1983 Canada Winter Games Team has not been surpassed at this time with 5 medals out of 7 competitors representing the Province of Nova Scotia.
Bill Anderson
Builder, Executive
Present Judo Rank – yodan
Committees active on
Provincial grading member
Atlantic Provinces grading board member
Active in all functional administration of JNS
Member of Officiating committee.
Officiating Status: National “A”
Coaching:Certified NCCP Levels I & II, Judo Coach
Executive Committee member 1991-2009
Life Member of Judo Canada
Head Sensei 1984-Present

Dave Anderson
Builder, Executive
Started the Pictou Judo Club in 1976
Established himself as a valued organization builder at the club level and at the provincial level in both NS and NB.
Past Judo Clubs associated with:
1960 – Stadacona Judo Club (Perry Teale, Chief Instructor)
1967/75 – AZUMA Judo Club New Brunswick – Chief Instructor.
1975/80 – Pictou Judo Club, N.S. – C.I.
1981/88 – Port Elgin J.C. C.I.
1996 – Present. –Bridgewater, J.C.
Past Administrative Positions Held:
1973/75 – President of Judo New Brunswick
1977/79 – Secretary of Judo Nova Scotia.
1979/80 – Vice-President Judo Nova Scotia
2002/04- Vice-President Judo Nova Scotia
2002/06- President Judo Nova Scotia.
2006 – Past President JNS

Cindy Northen
Competitor, Coach, Administrator
Provincial Champion 11 times in both junior and senior divisions from ’81-‘87
Atlantic Champion 7 times – in both Junior and Senior divisions from ’82-‘87
Canadian Judo Championships in ‘83, ‘84, ’85 won 3 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold.
Gold medal in 1984 Ontario Open and 1985 Canadian Open (CNE)
Member of Judo Canada National Team 1983 – 1986
Achieved Black Belt in 1986 at the abe of 16 (Minimum age requirement)
Canada Winter Games Coach & Manager – 1987, 1991,1999,2007,
Cindy was recognized by her peers to light the 1987 Canada Winter Games Torch.
Judo Nova Scotia Provincial coach 1986 &1987
Instructed at the Judique Judo Club in 1983 to 1987
Instructor at the Kanokai Judo Club 1993 to present.
Certified Level III NCCP Judo Coach
1996 Sport Nova Scotia Outstanding Volunteer Award.
1996 & 1997 JNS Top Female Judoka (non-competitor)
1998 JNS Executive of the year.
1999 Sport Nova Scotia – JNS Volunteer of the year.
2000 JNS Volunteer of the year
2002 Ken Whitney award
2004 Inducted into the Cape Breton Sport Heritage Hall of Fame.
2005 IKON Community Coach of the year for Judo Nova Scotia.
Co-Chair of the Blake Lumsden Memorial Tournament – 1999 to present.
2006 JNS Community Coach of the year.

Brian Degaust
Builder, Competitor, Administrator, Coach
Chairman – JNS Grading Board – Aug 2004 to June 2008
Member of the Atlantic Provinces Grading Board – Aug 2001 to present.
Member of JNS Grading Board – Aug 2001 to present.
Tournament Chair of World Masters – Sydney, N.S. 2001
President – JNS Aug 1999 to 2001
Member at Large – JNS 1990 to 1999
Chairman JNS Referee – Aug 1986 to 1990
Secretary/Treasurer of JNS – Aug 1984 to 1986
Michelin Judo Club –(cofounder) – 1979 to 1981
Pictou Judo Club – 1981 to 1984
Shearwater Judo Club – 1984 to 1987
Bedford Judo Club – 1987 to 1989
North Victoria Judo Club (Founder) 1989 to 1991
Sydney Judo Club – 1991 to 1994
Cape Breton Family YMCA Judo Club (Founder) 1995 to 2001
Island Martial Arts Judo Club – (Founder) 2001 to present
Sport Nova Scotia “Coach of the Year” 2001
Cape Breton Sports Heritage Award “Executive of the Year” 2001
JNS Top All around Judoka – 2000
Sport Nova Scotia Service Award – 2000
JNS Top all around Judoka – 1997
JNS Top Male Judoka – 1996

Bonnie Sherman
Competitor, Coach
1978 – 1982 48kg, female division, Nova Scotia Champion
1979 – 1981 48kg Atlantic Champion: Honors for Best Technique
1981 – Bronze – 48kg As a Junior Competitor in Canadian Senior Championships
1982 –Bronze in US International Championship.
19831984 – Placed 7th in British Open (London England)
1985 – 5th in the Fukoka Cup (Japan) Gold in Canadian National Championships.
1986 – Silver – Pan American Championships (Puerto Rico).
1987 – Gold US International Open, Gold AmCan Championships (Buffalo, NY) Gold, International Canada Cup, (Montreal0
1988 – 5th Tournoi de Paris (Beat Anaya – 3rd in world from U.S.)
1989 – 5th German International, (Russellheim, Germany), Gold – Asahi International Open (Ontario)
1992 – Trained in Tokyo Japan at the Kodokan Institute und Yoshiro Yamashita.
1989 – Promoted to Sandan (3rd degree Black Belt)
1997 – obtained her Shodan’s after 3 years of study.

Mike MacInnis
Builder, Coach
National Junior Olympics 1975/76
Competitor in the 2nd Combined Womens & Cadets Championships in Oshawa, ON 1977
Competitor at the Joseph Howe Festival 1979
Toronto East Region 1st Place 1980
Promoted to Black Belt 1982
(Gold)Provincial Judo Champion 2006,2008.2009
Promoted to 2nd degree Black Belt 2008
Head Sensei at Mabou and Judique Judo Clubs, St. FX Judo Club in Sydney, Westmount, Glace Bay, New Waterford, Mulgrave and Eskasoni 1980 Present
Judo Instructor for Sydney Paarks and Recreation teaching Judo Probrams to all grads 7,8,9,Students on CB School District 198688
Canada Winter Games Technical Advisor 1987
Judo Nova Scotia Provincial Coach 1991
Canada Winter Games Judo Coach 1991
Bronze –Pan Am Masters 2007
JNS Coach of the year award 2005
IKON Award nominee for Fair Play Award 2008
Judo Nova Scotia Official of the Year 2009
IKON Award Official of the Year 2009
Atlantic Coaches Seminar 2006
NCCP Level III Coach

Donnie MacInnis
Official, Builder
Provincial Grading Board Member
Provincial Referee Director
Member of Judo Canada Awards Committee 20032008
Chairman of Judo Canada Referee Mentoring Committee
Member of Judo Nova Scotia Executive 19892002
1st VicePresident Judo Canada 19981999
Vice President Atlantic Region 19981999
Referee Status: International ‘C’”
Refereed 1995 and 2003 Canada Winter Games
Refereed fifteen National Championships
Refereed ten international tournaments
Refereed 2000 World Masters
Refereed 2004 Pan American Masters
Manager 1999 Canada Winter Game
Sport Nova Scotia Volunteer of the year 1993
Investors Community Official of the year (Finalist) 20002001
Judo Nova Scotia Official of the year 20002001
Cape Breton Sport Heritage Awards Official of the Year Runnerup2000
Moosehead Awards Official of the Year 2001
Ken Whitney Award 2001
Investors Community Official of the year 20022003
PSO Community official of the year 20022003
Ikon Awards Official of the year 20052006
Nova Community Official of the year 2006
Ikon Official of the year 20062007
Judo Nova Scotia 10 Year Service Award 2007
Cape Breton Sport Heritage Awards Official of the Year 2008

Calvin Boutilier
195657 Taught “Self defense at YMCA in Sydney
1958 Became physical education director at YMCA of Cape Breton.
196162 Taught Judo at Cornwallis Naval Base, Deep Brook, Nova Scotia.
196264 Taught Judo at RCAF Station Greenwood
1966 Achieved Black Belt in Judo from Sensei Perry Teale
196480 Head Sensei at YMCA Judo in Sydney Dojo Shu.
1968 Taught at Canadian Coast Guard College.
1971 Coached Nova Scotia team in the first Canada Winter Games.
1973 Coached Nova Scotia team to the Eastern Championships Gold Medal.
1973 Achieved Nidan from Sensei Perry Teale.
197880 Taught self defense for the Glace Bay and Sydney Police Forces.
Competed regularly from 196170, winning many titles.
Was an original member of the Nova Scotia Kodokan Black Belt Association
Training under Sensei Perry Teale.
Had opportunity to train regularly with Hiroshi Nakamura and other high ranking sensei’s
Trained the following Judo Nova Scotia Provincial Black Belt Champions: Charlie MacDonald,Todd Slaney, Chuck Broderick, Mike Brasseux

Charlie MacDonald
Builder, Coach
1965 Started Junior Judo Club at Sydney YMCA
1966 Taught Judo at Military Radar Base for one year.
1967 Taught Judo at Whitney Pier Athletic Club.
1968 Taught Judo at the Canadian Coast Guard College.
1969 Taught at New Waterford Central School.
1971 Taught at the Breton Education Centre, New Waterford.
197273 Taught two years at Mount Carmel School in New Waterford.
1974 Taught at Lee Campbell’s Fitness Club.
1982 Taught for 10 years at St.Agnes School in New Waterford.
In competition has fifty fights with only ten losses and only thrown four times.
Attended first Canada Winter Games in 1971 and attained 1st degree Black Belt from Canada Games.
Acting as Team Captain won the Mudansha Team Tournament 5 Times.
Coached standout Judoka such as: Todd Slaney, Jim Mitchell, Ben Zisserson, Charlene Oliver